
Saying "I love you" is very easy for some people, others not that much. Yet, once it is said, there's no coming back. It triggers a disquietude and mixed feelings in the person who hears it and, even if you try, you can't act like those words weren't said.
If you're capable of saying "I love you", no matter the type of relationship that you have, it's because the person is very dear to you. Even if they don't always know about it. Many times they think you are one of these people who can easily express their feelings through words. They are not wrong. If you can't show it, if they can't feel that you care, they won't believe your words anymore, and they'll be like a lot of other empty words they have heard around.
Friends who say "I love you", but are always absent; significant ones that say "I love you", but are distant; parents who say "I love you", but don't see what their kids are going through; kids whi never asked what took their parents to have some attitudes...all this should be questioned and analized. That's caring, being present when nobody expects you to, and even if you're far away they can feel your presence there. It's not about talking every day or declaring your love, but asking if everything is ok, how their day was or if the person needs something. Little kindness can make the difference.
If you love someone, let the person know that not only through your words, but your attitudes. If it's hard for you, try to overcome your own ghosts, because many times relationships get staled because there's no effort for trying or dialogue. Caring about someone's world is making your own world a happier place.
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